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SEE Health Network Regional Meeting on the achievements of the regional collaboration on mental health and the Regional Health Development Centre on Mental Health in the South-eastern Europe


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South-eastern Europe Health Network Regional Meeting on the achievements of the regional collaboration on mental health and the Regional Health Development Centre on Mental Health in the South-eastern Europe was held on 15 December 2014. The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Regional Health Development Center on Mental Health in South-eastern Europe.


In addition to the representatives of health authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Health of the Federation of BiH, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Srpska, and the Department of Health and Other Service of Brcko District of BiH), and the other relevant institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the meeting was attended by the representatives of the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the members of Steering Committee of the Regional Mental Health Network, the National Mental Health Coordinators from the SEE countries, the representative of the user association „Fenix“ from Tuzla, and some non-governmental organizations.


Mr. Sredoje Nović. Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina addressed the participants of the meeting and on this occasion emphasized that " The Regional Health Development Center on Mental Health in SEE successfully coordinated the implementation of the Project “Strengthening the Capacities of Mental Health Professionals and Users’ Associations". The implementation of this project, supported by the Swiss Government, was of great importance and benefit to the institutions and individuals who deal with mental health issues in the countries of our region, and represents a step forward in our joint action „Mental health for all“


In addition, Minister Nović stressed the importance of regional cooperation "Our work together, with the support of partners, will continue to be a driving force for better mental health and well-being for all in the region. Therefore, by strengthening the capacity of relevant institutions, we will work on improving the mental health policy and legal frameworks that support the reform of mental health services in the countries of South Eastern Europe."


The aim of this Meeting was to present the results achieved through the Project “Strengthening the Capacities of Mental Health Professionals and Users’ Associations”, as well as all achieved results of the Regional Mental Health Networks in the last four years, since the establishment of the Regional Health Development Center on Mental Health (hereinafter: RHDC on Mental Health). Additionally, the focus of this meeting is the presentation of future activities with special focus on the new project proposal, whose development was supported by the Swiss Confederation, and it is very important and necessary to continue work of the RHDC on Mental Health, and thus to maintain and strengthen the established cooperation in the area of mental health in the South-eastern Europe.


Moreover, the focus of this meeting was on the strategic document of the RHDC on Mental Health "Regional Program 2014-2024", which development was supported by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, based on the Biennial Collaborative Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the WHO Regional Office for Europe 2012-2013. The regional program 2014-2024 was adopted at the 33rd Meeting of the South-eastern Europe Health Network, held on 10-11 July 2014 in Bucharest, Romania.